We live in both trying and frustrating times.
I see comments on social media where people are frustrated and fed up with topics in todays headlines, my mind keeps wandering back to the 60’s or even earlier than that, when people became tired of situations they seemed forced to endure, tired of the taxes imposed on their tea and taxation without representation and a perceived notion of a monopoly imposed by the British East India Company who owned the tea, American Patriots took matters into their own hands and sought change, so on December 16, 1773, 342 chests of tea were dumped into the Boston Harbor, what a party that was…Lol, the rest went down in history to be known as the Boston Tea Party
We, the American people have been led to believe that we are weak, as our Government has made decisions for us, supposedly acting on our best behalf, our employer expects us to be compliant and adhere to Company rules, policies and procedures even if it may be the most unpleasant place for anyone to work, most of us need to earn a pay check so we will trudge through our day to day lives trodden down by one form or another of oppression and eventually become so use to complying to demands put on us by one entity or another that even when events are unfolding around us that we absolutely loath or feel passionately angered and deeply disturbed by, we feel so emotionally void that we feel our power has been taken away from us, but this is not true. In the 60's and 70's women very successfully protested for their right to vote, in the second wave of their protesting they protested for women's legal rights which changed the way women were viewed in the home and in the work place, they won. In the 1990's Christians became upset because Kmart was selling pornographic material in their stores. The American Family Association along with Focus on the Family called on all Christians to Boycott K-mart owned stores and Waldenbooks and as a result K-mart stopped selling pornographic magazines in their stores. In the 60's people took to the streets to protest for what they believed in on a regular basis and they invoked change. I often tell people the hippies of the 60's protested and they brought about change because of it. They went out in the masses to support what they believed in. Some were arrested, some sprayed with water, but rarely was anyone killed, houses weren't burned to the ground, businesses were not destroyed, we need more hippies today. They had passion for what they believed in and they let what they stood for be known. We have to, each and every one of us find our inner hippie, find our inner passion, when there is a situation that we don't agree with that our Government is doing or the way the Company we work for is treating us, if it be an environmental issue, humanitarian or anything we feel passionately about, we need to find a way to let our voices be heard. It is time to say enough is enough! In this day and age of the internet and Social Media it wouldn't be difficult to organize people to become united for a cause. Small examples of what can be accomplished with boycotting products, for example, mind you, example, I said if you were someone that didn't necessarily subscribe to the philosophies behind the BLM movement, Sprite was running ads appearing political in nature, seeming to support the movement, if you weren't in agreement with this, Sprite is of the Coca Cola Company, they have many products you could then not buy those products in protest over their airing political ads on their advertisements, they have products such as Fanta, Fresca, Dasani water, Minute Maid orange juice only to name a few but this is what I mean by it only takes a little research and spreading your info to persons who share the same opinion as you and great things can be accomplished without ever leaving your house. I was so impressed as when it had been decided to allow NBA players to push messages of Social injustice so boldly at games it had an adverse affect, the NBA then announced that the next season they would be placing things back the way they were as the Basketball games including the play offs had lost ratings as no one was watching as the American people had taken a stand and boycotted watching and that has sent the message, "We just want to watch sports!" and it got the change they were seeking. My husband informed today that lawmakers passed a bill that what or when they vote on a particular bill being brought up before the house will not be made public. In my opinion, this is a perfect example of something that would be cause for a staged protest as "We the American People" are the ones who put them into office, therefore we have every right to not only know what and when they are voting on a bill but how they voted as well. I can't express enough my concern for the fact that we are living in times where we absolutely can not afford not to stay on top of what our Government is doing because it is important that we as the American People let our voices be heard very strongly as to what is taking place all around us because the Government is a key factor in our future we must keep a diligent eye on them and if when we are not pleased on what they are doing we need to strongly let them know. We also need to understand that we are the keepers of the world we live and all the creatures that inhabit it, we are their voice. We only have one world, the animals that inhabit it are not in endless supply so it is important that we all in our own individual ways try to be aware of any and all parts we can play in making this a better world and better planet for the inhabits thereof. The Late Great Alexandra Hamilton said it best, "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything!"