First of all, let me start by saying, "Happy New Year"! Recently I was watching a daytime talk show where they often spend most of the show with Mothers and Fathers and sometimes other various family members such as Aunts, Grandmothers all heatedly arguing over if this man is the father of that child. I was laughing my caboose off as the man kept stating that the child didn't look like him and didn't act like him so therefore based on those two factors , in front of the child and repeatedly to the Mother, even though he had 2 other kids with her that he did not deny were his, due to the fact two other women claimed children were his then later found not to be, he all of a sudden decides this child is not his. People make me furious when it comes to how they rationalize who Fathered a child. What I find more alarming is how many times some of these same couples are back on the same talk shows doing DNA tests a second time. I myself had a situation where I had two children who had dark eyes, dark hair and ivory skin, their father was Sicilian, yet my youngest son was very much a white boy, he did have brown eyes but had beautiful copper red hair. It was common when I had all 3 children out with me, which was also common, unlike some Mums of today that try to find someone to leave the little buggers with as to have a stress free and quick experience when they go to the store, for people to come up to me and ask, "Are all 3 of those children by the same Father?", when I think back on it now, I am a very passive person to a fault and I will think of something that happened 10 years ago and then suddenly decide that really burns my biscuits! Thinking back that was pretty rude and really none of their damn business and if I really wanted to mess with them, I could've said, "Well, mostly all", too little too late. Really this has always been a huge problem in our society, and it needs to change, people c'mon, especially men of today. I find it sad enough that people are just out there being irresponsible with their genitals. I was talking to my Stepdaughter one time about how I know it seems old fashioned, but the way people have children these days is sad as unfortunately they are mostly raised in homes where no father is present. I was telling her that the way people have children is irresponsible as it does seem old fashioned but if you look at the current statistics they would support this theory and it is that people should have a child or children after being married and staying together awhile and she said, "That's just not how things are done, this is a modern society," a modern society where people procreate, some with multiple people, usually not staying with the Father of the children and sometimes having no interaction with the Father. We should never see 18.3 children living without a father or even a father figure in their home, that is 1 out every 4 children, according to the US Census Bureau. That's just how it is, these are more modern times I've heard, yeah and look where it's taken us into a situation where Kathy over here has this Daddy and Joey and Jack have that Daddy and well, I don't know who baby Mikey's Daddy is, it could be one of two people. Then people are going to try to sit on live TV and say, "That's not my child, I'm dark skinned and she's light skinned, and she don't act like me," that was the biggest load of horse manure I've ever seen! I hope a lot of people read this blog as for the record, you cannot judge DNA by what a child looks like as my youngest son looked like my side of the family and he still does, your child may look like your woman's side of the family, someone in her family ancestry, an uncle 3xs removed but that doesn't mean she did it with someone else. I get most furious about this topic so before anyone, and I mean anyone, thinks for two seconds they got this all figured out as Mom, you're looking at a baby and a woman is saying this child is your sons and he's saying it isn't, don't be so quick to say, "It don't even look like my son," and all you men out there, dude please, don't be an idiot, know some facts, all babies when born are red and purplish and sometimes light complected, just because a child isn't your exact mini me doesn't mean it isn't yours. It may get it's features from the mother's side of the family so don't be so quick to cry whore if this is what you also seek to reveal. Finally, I know it's a bizarre concept people but hmm, if we found someone to mate with, not just playhouse with or play Doctor with and actually got married and solidified the marriage then had kids what a happier place it would be. For the most part there would be no need for DNA tests unless someone is a lying cheating ho, but hey, that can go both ways but the only difference is men don't get knocked up, there would be less of a need, if any for abortions, kids would be the winners as they would actually get to grow up in this prehistoric thing called a family and I know what you're thinking, my kids and I are a family, I don't need no man to have a family, sadly, you don't but your kids do, it is a proven fact that one of our biggest problems in our society, affecting all races, is children are being raised in homes with no Father, and be it girl or boy it deeply affects them and in the future it will define how they affect society, I knew a young man who spent his whole life feeling angry, hateful, feeling rejected, as his Father left he and his Mother when he was a baby and he said to me, "Why didn't he want me"? I felt terrible as I watched this 14-year-old boy cry telling me how he felt he did something wrong to make his father did not want him. He spent most of his life in trouble with the law, in and out of juvenile detention, then as an adult, jail, only eventually to kill two people and be gunned down by State Patrol, he was 30 years old. So, I'm begging any men or anyone for that matter, please spread the word, when it comes to if a child is yours or not, do not, I repeat, and again I say, look at the way a child behaves and say, " "Not my child they don't act like me', they don't look like me," and please take the time to find out if a child is yours and stop being influenced by other people and stop being petty and if there is a question of if a child is yours or not find out, it is so very important. DNA tests can be purchased at most pharmacies. I purchased one and it was $60 at Walmart, and I know there are Walmarts everywhere. Wishing all my followers peace, love and serenity in the New Year!