I apologize once again as my site is still under construction but appreciate anyone who still visits.
I will be discussing many topics on my blogs including spiritual and religious topics such as today’s posts.
I highly recommend non believers and believers alike watch a video series called “A Thief In The Night” it very accurately depicts events that will take place in the end times which myself as well as many Bible Scholars believe is very near.
If you are not right with God I would be seriously considering getting right as you can only make that choice while you are alive. The Bible says in John 14:6 Jesus is the way, light and the truth and no man cometh to the father except through him.
In the end times one event that will take place that is discussed is taking the “Mark of the Beast”, in these times of conformity and talk of a vaccination for the covid 19 virus and fear that they may try to put chips in the vaccine I wanted to discuss a theory on this.
In Revelation 13:17 it says, ” So that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of it’s name (666).
There were 4 Doctors who posted an opinion in USA Today on August 6, that they felt no one should be exempt from getting the covid 19 vaccine.
I also did some research and the Covid 19 syringes will have a chip on the outside of the syringe to identify the syringe and that recipient would be anonymous but this is false as well as I know persons in the medical field and when an injection is given the recipient is recorded.
This article was found at WUSA9.com
Can you imagine the power they will have over us when a vaccine is developed they could enact laws that state if you can’t prove you’ve been vaccinated you can’t work, buy groceries etc.
It is all about conforming to their demands.
It started with the covid 19 virus thus making us have to wear masks or not be able to enter stores, gas stations, doctor’s offices, next comes the vaccine which will absolutely take away all of our options as we will be allowed to use no alternatives, it will be take the vaccine or you will be seen as a threat to America because you could cause others to get sick because you refuse our vaccine.
It is a matter of mass conformity people and mass control and once the one world order come into play and we have gone to a non currency society and the new world order falls into place the ,”Mark of The Beast”, will be implemented and all will line up for it like sheep going for slaughter as we are already primed to do exactly as we are told and they have found their greatest and most powerful weapon to set the world up for the mark and that is the Covid 19 vaccine.
In the end times when the mark is implemented “God’s children” will not be here to endure what will take place during those times and trust those will be the absolute end times.
If you choose to not accept God into your life I pity you during those times..life is so much better with God in it. He is a better friend than any earthly friend you will ever find.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for now until I get it fully functional you can contact me at ingali4@aol.com.
Please look for my next blog “Power To Tbe People”
Have a blessed day😄🙏